hip app screenshots

#1 Birthday & Anniversary App

Celebrate Anything

Get hip with personalized reminders, curated gift ideas, and more ways to celebrate moments that matter
hip makes it easier for you to celebrate the days that matter most
Never forget
Keep On Track
hip’s reminders make sure that you never miss a celebration. Plus, they’re completely customizable - you can control everything down to the day, time, and frequency.
Be creative
Send Personal Messages
Let your friends, family, and colleagues know you’re thinking of them with a gif, text message, phone call, or a personalized greeting card all right from hip.
Family and friends
Stay Organized
Take control of your contact list with hip Crowds. Arrange your contacts into groups and tailor your settings so that you see more of what matters.
hip logo
Stand Out from the Crowd
Make every birthday, anniversary, or celebration special with curated gift ideas and personalized greeting cards:
Choose and send one of our 100+ unique greeting cards.
Be inspired by stylish yet functional gift suggestions from hip Finds.
Over 5,000 5-Star Reviews
“This is a keeper! I never liked the Facebook type of notifications - with this app I can remember the birthdays and special events of my beloved one. Well done, keep the work going!”

“Great, simple app. I want to remember birthdays but my life has distractions. I started missing birthdays of loved ones. This app got me back on track, honoring people’s birthdays again!”

“Just what I was looking for! It’s an app that literally sends and reminds me of all my contacts birthdays! Simple yet effective! Love it.”
Get hip.
Download now for iOS
Download link from the App Store
Copyright © 2018 Celebrate Labs, Inc. All right reserved.